Follow along as Sean Adams mocks up a layout with a variety of traditional design tools.
8 Vintage Inspired Fonts
If you’re anything like me you’ve had a couple of clients ask about creating that distressed or old time vintage look for their brand. This post is a collection of 8 vintage inspired fonts to help you create the right look for your next design project.
22 Inspirational Examples of Vintage Typography
Some of these stunning typography and lettering works are brand new, a lot of of them are very old. They all share that they evoke emotion and are very unique and beautiful.
Beyond the Fabric: Jennifer Paganelli
Fabric designer Jennifer Paganelli, who creates vintage-inspired designs for her company Sis Boom, and has a personal collection of over two thousand vintage fabrics.
Hudson Made
Hudson Made is an online retailer selling highly curated artisanal products from the Hudson Valley, North Country and Brooklyn. Small batches. Limited quantities. 100% American made.
Late-19th century influences of the Bates stamp and the classic practice of letterpress printing hark back to an earlier time, while maintaining the refinement and clean lines of modernity for this brand identity.
The branding also reflects Hudson Made’s emphasis on what is handmade, invoking nostalgia for a time past and a return to the simplicity of production limited to the human touch. Handmade crafts also guarantee each product’s utter uniqueness, and the impossibility of two ever being alike.
Design – Hovard Design
Identity for Maeven (pronounced may-ven), a Brooklyn-based online shop with a collection of vintage and preowned designer clothing. Identity work by Lotta Nieminen.