Aurasma Demo
Autonomy, a leading enterprise infrastructure company has a new technology that can change the way we look at and interact with physical objects. Called Aurasmsa, it works with smart phone and tablets to, in real time, turn static images or even objects into videos, games and interactive experiences. Aim your phone at a building and see a video about that building. Aim it at a picture in a newspaper and launch an interactive experience.
Bill Evans – The Creative Process and Self-Teaching
“It’s better to do something simple which is real”
— Bill Evans
Extracted from the movie “The Universal Mind of Bill Evans – Creative Process and Self-Teaching”. In this part, Bill talks about how to deal with obstacles, and how to build one’s vocabulary step-by-step.
Paper Record Player Wedding Invitation
This is a wedding invitation record player created from paper. It houses + plays a flexi disc pressed with an original song, inviting guests to the wedding. Created by Kelli Anderson.
Paper & Love Typeface
This is giving me a designgasim.
Originally created with a flat typeface in mind, paper & love is based on an octagonal grid and origami folds. The digital version represents this concept of origami by emphasizing transparency and by focusing on the shapes of the letter. The majority of the two-dimensional letters can be obtained by simply folding thin strips of paper and by following the octagonal grid. By taking what I had initially envisioned for the digital version, I created a new set of letters in 3D using paper, an x-acto knife and, of course, love (corny but true) !
— Chris Berthe
ITIS flowers café
“Black is the new black” — @KanyeWest. Mirrors and glass really make the specialty items, teas and seasonal flower arrangements pop in the ITIS flowers café. An expanding international project, in the form of a gourmet food and drink space, flower boutique and tasting café based in Kiev and Odessa, Ukraine.
Design by – ya project studio