Blokk proÂvides full archiÂtecÂture and inteÂrior design serÂvices. We creÂated their idenÂtity and wanted to reflect their phiÂlosÂoÂphy on embracÂing openÂness, a straightÂforÂward attiÂtude and clear comÂmuÂniÂcaÂtion with their clients. With a bold word mark as a base, we wanted to invesÂtiÂgate how typogÂraÂphy could transÂlate into archiÂtecÂtonic shapes and landÂscapes. CreÂatÂing a refÂerÂence to light and shadÂows hitÂting the surÂface, and how the relaÂtionÂship between typogÂraÂphy and printed mateÂrÂial creÂated hints to landÂscapes and archiÂtecÂtural compositions.
Duke of Kernwell
In the fictional land of Kernwell, the Duke of Kernwell is looking for extraordinary letterings which inspire him to new typefaces. That’s the setting for the new type foundry Duke of Kernwell.To launch the new type foundry, selected designers and agencies receive an extraordinary direct mail. The box contains a map of Kernwell, the Duke’s travel log as a type specimen book, field glasses, a pen and a compass. Everything you need to enter the Twitter-based scavanger hunt. Follow the Duke’s hints, find the object he left behind and win a typeface. Type foundry identity design by Sebastian Eberlein.
Doyald Young, Logotype Designer
From humble beginnings in a small Texas town eight decades ago comes legendary typographer, logotype designer, author, and teacher Doyald Young.
Bunch were responsible for creating the identity for Hortiart, a Croatian based landscaping company. The illustrations set the style for the brand and were developed for uses across a range of different applications including laser cut and foil embossed business cards and stationery. A Flash based CMS website was also created.
Substance Printing
Berlin based artist duo Stefan Guzy and Björn give an exclusive insight into their process of artistic creation. For more information go to
For more on products, processes, material and interesting stories about products checkout Product by Process.
Tanguma study is dedicated to Interior Design. Brand identity by Manifiesto Futura.
All identity emerges from the name, “Tanguma” which is the name of the Director of the company. It has its roots in Native Americans. As a company that provides design services was very important to be impeccable. We rely on the patterns used by American Indians by fusing them with a touch of high aesthetics.