
Blokk IDentity Design 05

Blokk pro­vides full archi­tec­ture and inte­rior design ser­vices. We cre­ated their iden­tity and wanted to reflect their phi­los­o­phy on embrac­ing open­ness, a straight­for­ward atti­tude and clear com­mu­ni­ca­tion with their clients. With a bold word mark as a base, we wanted to inves­ti­gate how typog­ra­phy could trans­late into archi­tec­tonic shapes and land­scapes. Cre­at­ing a ref­er­ence to light and shad­ows hit­ting the sur­face, and how the rela­tion­ship between typog­ra­phy and printed mate­r­ial cre­ated hints to land­scapes and archi­tec­tural compositions.
Identity design by Heydays

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Duke of Kernwell

Duke of Kernwell Identity Design 02

In the fictional land of Kernwell, the Duke of Kernwell is looking for extraordinary letterings which inspire him to new typefaces. That’s the setting for the new type foundry Duke of Kernwell.To launch the new type foundry, selected designers and agencies receive an extraordinary direct mail. The box contains a map of Kernwell, the Duke’s travel log as a type specimen book, field glasses, a pen and a compass. Everything you need to enter the Twitter-based scavanger hunt. Follow the Duke’s hints, find the object he left behind and win a typeface. Type foundry identity design by Sebastian Eberlein.

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