Lego Calendar

The Lego calendar is a wall mounted time planner made entirely of Lego. Take a photo of it with a smartphone all of the events and timings will be magically synchronised to an online, digital calendar. It makes the most of the tangibility of physical objects, and the ubiquity of digital platforms.

Created by Vitamins, Design and Invention Studio. View more.

Creating Icons: Lee Clow

Lee Clow shares his thoughts on what makes a genius, icon, and maverick and provides great insight into how intensity, passion, and desire led him to the successful career he has today. He touches on his working relationship with Steve Jobs and how the experience impacted his life.


Welcome to Bern and to Buro Destruct. Director Kai Sehr paid a visit to the Swiss design collective and documented how they stay true to their motto of over 15 years: “Small City. Big Design.” The project: development of a typeface from a pen.

Learn more about this project and, more importantly, get the typeface at