James White, Visual Artist and Designer

Designer James White spent a decade working for other agencies before he founded Signalnoise, a one-man design studio in Nova Scotia. He was determined to explore his own aesthetic: “Fascination, wonder, and imagination made visual.”

The move was creatively productive and financially lucrative. But when he decided to dedicate a year to his passion project—taking his own bright, pop approach to iconic movie posters like Jaws and Indiana Jones—he ran into licensing roadblocks.

In this Creative Spark, James explains how he dealt with the setbacks and found new opportunities for Signalnoise.

via Lynda.com


KAE — Strategic Marketing 02

KAE are a strategic marketing agency focussing on delivering insight, innovation and strategy to a small number of high-value clients.

SocioDesign helped KAE reposition itself as a premium strategic partner in its market, working as a trusted advisor to their clients. This involved formulating a new brand strategy that drew out its distinctive identity.

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