Between The Folds

Wonderful documentary about origami and paper. Available on Netflix to view in its entirety.

The Shot Glass Card

A paper birthday card that transforms into a celebratory drinking aid. Add a little pizzazz to your standard liquor bottle present with The Shot Glass Card from 55 Hi’s. Each shot glass card, holds approximately 1oz of liquid without leaks for hours. Find it here.

The making of The Good Times newspaper

This made my day.

Monday 16 January 2012 was supposed to be the most depressing day of the year, so we decided to do something about it.

Starting on Monday 9 January we gave ourselves one week to write, edit, design and print a newspaper full of reasons to be cheerful about the year ahead.

We put the call out online and received literally hundreds of suggestions for things to include, as well as loads of volunteers who wanted to help write, take pictures, even distribute the papers.

We sent the files to print on the Sunday evening, and next morning we received 10,000 copies of the The Good Times, which we sent out to brighten up the world.

Read the full newspaper online:
by The Church of London